Category Archives: Politics

He So Pretty and Righteous

The pretty boy you see in the below YouTube clip is Justin Trudeau, son of Pierre. Pierre was a major political force in Canadian politics in the latter half of the twentieth century and his son, Justin, is hoping for the same place in history.  For any Americans reading this, substitute “Trudeau” with “Kennedy.”

I’m not going to comment on the politics of this 3 minute clip. What struck me most about it is the self-entitlement of a privileged politician. His liberal views MUST BE shared by ALL Canadians. BTW, who talks about himself in the third person?

Another thing that struck me about Justin’s press statement, it came across as a third-rate t.v. movie about a young, principled politician striving to change a corrupt government. Unfortunately the actor, chosen because the producers thought he reminded them of Christian Bale, is as third-rate as the script, strutting to the microphone, chewing the scenery in his overheated “earnestness.” I love the two female reporters flanking Justin; one looks like she’s falling asleep and the other turns her face away (from laughing?). I particularly love the very end when you hear a reporter yell, “Oh, come on!”

Oh, Well

That’s it. Sarah Palin isn’t running. I did feel disappointed but it’s her decision and I’ve never looked at her as a savior. Sarah Palin is just a politician; one that I’ve  liked ever since she hit the national stage.

But I will say this. If Mitt Romney becomes the GOP nominee, I will not send him a contribution. I will not put a campaign sign on my lawn. I will vote for Romney if it gets Obama out.

That’s it.

Don’t Forget The Joker

Everytime I read or hear about the debt ceiling , whether it’s about the Boehner plan or the Dem Senate veto thereof or any of the political shenanigans, I hear the Ace of Spades in my head.

So, go ahead. Click on the PLAY button. Crank it up. Bonus: The Young Ones!

If you like to gamble, I tell you I’m your man
You win some, lose some, it’s – all – the same to me
The pleasure is to play, it makes no difference what you say
I don’t share your greed, the only card I need is
The Ace Of Spades
The Ace Of Spades

Playing for the high one, dancing with the devil,
Going with the flow, it’s all a game to me,
Seven or Eleven, snake eyes watching you,
Double up or quit, double stakes or split,
The Ace Of Spades
The Ace Of Spades

You know I’m born to lose, and gambling’s for fools,
But that’s the way I like it baby,
I don’t wanna live forever,
And don’t forget the joker!

Pushing up the ante, I know you’ve got to see me,
Read ’em and weep, the dead man’s hand again,
I see it in your eyes, take one look and die,
The only thing you see, you know it’s gonna be,
The Ace Of Spades
The Ace Of Spades

15 Minutes of My Life…Gone

Since elevation to the Office of President, I have not watched an Obama speech live on air. Instead I watch clips on the internet so I can stop when my blood pressure reaches critical mass. Last night was the exception. Hubby wanted to know what the President was going to say, so we flipped from Gene Simmons’ Family Jewels on Bio to Fox News.

A live Presidential speech from the White House on…the debt ceiling. Let that sink in for a minute. Not about “slavery,” “civil rights,” or “economic justice.” (All topics mentioned in his speech.)

The debt ceiling. From a man without a plan.

It was a speech I heard him mutter numerous times but with the paragraphs moved around in a different order: Blame Bush. Balanced Compromise. Millionaires and Billionaires.

Or was it: Balanced Compromise? Millionaires and Billionaires? Blame Bush?

Yea, I can’t get those 15 minutes back.


Never In My Life…

…have I seen a major American political force dressed to kill. And believe me, at her documentary premiere, Ms. Palin was DRESSED TO KILL. Agree?

Credit: Politicons

Check out Politicons for more photos and Sarah goodness.


This is a better pic. Here is a woman unafraid of her attractiveness. You’d think feminists would love her. Sadly, modern liberal feminism seems to boil down to victimization and abortion.


Credit: Politicons


When Does It End?

Victor Davis Hanson wrote a brilliant essay about contemporary American redistributive culture, The Metaphysics of Contemporary Theft. He starts off by relating two thefts on his farm and one in his neighborhood. None of the thefts were due to hunger or desperation but to, “Hey, this is an opportunity to make some extra cash.”

 The welfare state has eliminated material poverty and grown the entitlement mentality. This entitlement mentality is not confined to those within the welfare system but has also become part of the larger culture. There was a phrase in the essay that jumped out at me:

a culture of grievance and complaint, all embedded in a contempt for federal law

Hanson was discussing the mindset surrounding the issues of “open borders, unassimilated illegal immigrants, [and] ethnic and tribal chauvinism predicated on racial solidarity.” My husband, who is a federal law enforcement officer, contacts folks who have broken the rules where he works. The biggest complainers are those from the professional class, usually aging Baby Boomers, who do not think the rules apply to them. All this is part of a larger Me, Me, Me attitude fully embedded in American culture and, unfortunately, I don’t think it is going to end.

H/T about the VDH article: Small Dead Animals


It Reminds Me

Watching Rep. Anthony Weiner’s apology reminds me of this scene from Godfather II:

Rep. Weiner even looks like Fredo.

How Quaint

Salem, NY. Taken June 4, 2011

Only three years ago life seemed so much different. Unemployment in the United States was around 6.2% and Michael Jackson was alive. Ah…good times…good times.

In 2008 I saw stickers plastered to Stop signs but they read, “Bush.” According to those in the “media know,” John McCain was the worse alternative to Obama. (Remember when McCain was the media darling in 2000?)

Truth be told, I voted for McCain but I was really voting for Palin. I recollect those McCain/Palin bumper stickers. You know the ones that read:

 There was a number of times I can recall the “McCain” top deliberately cut off and “Palin”  remained on the car. She energizes conservatives. The media play her as a dumb hick. If she truly was, they would ignore her like they do Huckabee. (Yes, that was a dig at the Arkansas governor.) She is a threat and they recognize it. The liberals I know roll their eyes and talk about the “bridge to nowhere.” (They still crack jokes about Dan Quayle and tomatoes. What’s that…twenty years old now?)

Anyway, I got off topic though I’m not sure I had a topic in mind when I started this piece.

I guess what I mean to say is 2008 seems a mighty long time ago and I like Sarah Palin. And if you disagree with me you are a misogynist homophobe. (Hat tip to Greg Gutfeld.)

Oh, Jon

Last night Jon Stewart was on Bill O’Reilly’s show to debate the Common/White House invite controversy. The two main points Stewart expressed were  the “Right’s” hypocrisy in it’s condemnation and that Common was not advocating cop killing but thought that the supposed killers were falsely accused.

Click here to watch the interview.

I thought it was an interesting back and forth. Stewart believed it was fine for Common to be invited and vigorously defended that Common’s poetry in question wasn’t about cop killing but whether justice was served.

In the end I couldn’t help but think that Jon Stewart was the same man who defended his invite to Cat Stevens, aka Yusuf Islam, to sing Peace Train at his Rally to Stop the Insanity in Washington D.C.  last year.

Salman Rushdie was not amused.

For more about that, click here.

Good News

I don’t wish to cheer for the death of Osama. I feel relief now that God has the opportunity to judge him. For hastening that opportunity, I thank Pres. Obama and Bush and the U.S. military.

On the other hand, I cheer the Conservative Party’s majority  victory in the Canadian Parliament. HUZZAH!!!